Washington County Felony DUI Reduced to Misdemeanor

Great result today out of Washington County, Oregon where my client’s felony DUI charge was reduced to a misdemeanor DUI. Felony DUI in Oregon is based on the number of prior convictions. ORS 813.011 leads to a felony DUI if you have two prior convictions in the last ten years. It carries a minimum of 90… Continue reading Washington County Felony DUI Reduced to Misdemeanor

Washington DOL Hearing Victory

I recently represented a client in a Washington DOL Hearing (Department of Licensing) regarding whether his license could be suspended for allegedly failing a breath test. Following a car accident, my client was contacted by police. My client admitted drinking earlier in the evening but had stopped long ago. The officer did not smell any… Continue reading Washington DOL Hearing Victory

Vancouver DUI Reduced to Negligent Driving

Good Result on Vancouver DUI My client was charged with a DUI over .15% blood alcohol content. This case looked tough from the beginning, with allegations of a high BAC, allegations of an “overwhelming” odor of alcohol and a report detailing an extremely poor job on field sobriety tests. The original offer was to plead… Continue reading Vancouver DUI Reduced to Negligent Driving

Impaired Driving Isn’t Just About Alcohol – Controlled Substances DUII’s in Oregon

When most people think of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, they think of drunk driving – that is, they think of someone under the influence of alcohol.  But in Oregon, and most other jurisdictions, alcohol doesn’t have to be involved for a DUII to be charged.  Impaired driving is illegal whether it’s caused by… Continue reading Impaired Driving Isn’t Just About Alcohol – Controlled Substances DUII’s in Oregon

A DUI Conviction Will Suspend Your License

Getting charged with a DUI is embarrassing. You might have to do a brief stint in jail. One of the longest lasting consequences is that a DUI conviction in another state will suspend your license. As discussed in my previous post, A DUI in Another State is the Worst of All Worlds, there are two… Continue reading A DUI Conviction Will Suspend Your License

A DUI in Another State is the Worst of All Worlds

A DUI in Another State is the Worst of All Worlds Getting a DUI in your home state is tough. It’s scary and stressful. Sometimes there’s jail or treatment involved. You almost always get a suspended license when you’re simply charged with a DUI. Getting a DUI in another state is even worse. Two Ways… Continue reading A DUI in Another State is the Worst of All Worlds

DUII: Proving Intoxication through Retrograde Extrapolation

How does the prosecution prove intoxication at the time of driving in a Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) case?  Most people know that it is illegal to drive a car if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is at or above 0.08%.  The prosecutor can also prove intoxication, without a BAC above 0.08%, if… Continue reading DUII: Proving Intoxication through Retrograde Extrapolation

DUII Investigations in Oregon – What to Expect

Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, or DUII, is a serious charge.  Unlike many other crimes, DUII arrests are common for all people in society.  Most crimes require some kind of intent to break the law, but DUII is a “strict liability crime” where it doesn’t matter what the person was thinking: if the person… Continue reading DUII Investigations in Oregon – What to Expect

Should I Take the Breath Test if Arrested for DUII in Oregon?

A police officer must have probable cause before arresting someone for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, or DUII, in Oregon.  Probable cause means that the officer believes that it is more likely than not that the person is driving while intoxicated.  Officers usually develop probable cause by observing the person driving, interacting with the… Continue reading Should I Take the Breath Test if Arrested for DUII in Oregon?

Diversion Can Be a Good Option for Oregon DUII Charges

Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, or DUII, is taken seriously in Oregon.  Unlike many traffic-related crimes, it carries strict penalties and can have lifelong affects.  For people pulled over for DUII for the first time, however, there is an option called Diversion. Diversion can help avoid many of the harsh penalties that come with… Continue reading Diversion Can Be a Good Option for Oregon DUII Charges