Important Information for Non-Citizen Clients – Informacion Importante Para Clientes No-Ciudadanos

Español (English Below)

Este es un tiempo dificil para nuestro pais y especialmente la gente no ciudadana. Estoy compartiendo este informacion con todos mis clientes porque es importante que Ud. sabe sus derechos y los derechos de sus amigos y familia.
Si Ud u otras personas que conoce no son ciudadanos de los EEUU, recomendo que imprime este informacion y guardala cerca la puerta de su casa, y en su billetera.
Muchas gracias por la oportunidad a ayudarle con su caso. Dejame saber si tiene cualquier pregunta o duda.


Si agentes  están en la puerta, manténgala cerrada y les pregunte si son agentes de ICE.
Pregunte a los agentes por qué están ahí.
Si los agentes de ICE no tienen una orden firmada por un juez, usted puede negarse abrir la puerta o entrar a su casa
Si los agentes quieren entrar, pregunte si tienen una orden firmada por un juez. Una orden administrativa de expulsión de las autoridades de inmigración no es suficiente.
Si ellos dicen que tienen una orden, pídales que pasen la orden debajo de la puerta.
Busque en la parte superior  en la línea de la firma para ver si fue emitida por un tribunal y firmada por un juez o emitida por DHS o ICE y firmado por un empleado de DHS o ICE. Sólo una orden judicial/juez es valida para la entrada en su casa.
No abra la puerta a menos que ICE muestra una orden de cateo/registro o de arresto judicial que tenga su nombre o el nombre de alguien que viva en su casa, y/o las áreas que deben ser registradas en su dirección.
En todos los demás casos, mantenga la puerta cerrada. Diga: “No consiento a su entrada.”
Si los agentes como quiera abren paso a la fuerza, no trate de resistirse. Si desea ejercer sus derechos, diga:
“No consiento a su entrada o su registro de este lugar. Estoy ejerciendo mi derecho a guardar silencio. Deseo hablar con un abogado tan pronto como sea posible”.
Todas las personas que se encuentren en su residencia pueden tambien ejercer su derecho a guardar silencio.


This is a challenging time for our country and especially non-citizens. I’m sharing this information with all my clients because it is important that everyone know their rights and the rights of their friends and family.
If you or someone you know isn’t a US citizen, I recommend that you print this information and keep it near the door of your home, or in your wallet.
Thank you for the opportunity to help you in your case. Please let me know of any questions or concerns.


If officers are at your door, keep the door closed and ask if they are Immigration agents, or from ICE.

Ask the agents what they are there for.

Opening the door does not give the agents permission to come inside, but it is safer to speak to ICE through the door.

If the agents don’t speak your language, ask for an interpreter.

If the agents want to enter, ask them if they have a warrant signed by a judge. If ICE agents do not have a warrant signed by  a Judge, you may refuse to open the door or let them in. An administrative warrant of removal from immigration authorities is not enough.

If they say they have a warrant, ask them to slip the warrant under the door.

Look at the top and at the signature line to see if it was issued by a court and signed by a judge. Only a court/judge warrant is enough for entry into your premises. One issued by DHS or ICE and signed by a DHS or ICE employee is not.

Do not open your door unless ICE shows you a judicial search or arrest warrant naming a person in your residence and/or areas to be searched at your address.

In all other cases, keep the door closed. State: “I do not consent to your entry.”

If agents force their way in anyway, do not attempt to resist. If you wish to exercise your rights, state: “I do not consent to your entry or to your search of these premises. I am exercising my right to remain silent. I wish to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible.” 

Everyone in the residence may also exercise the right to remain silent.

Do not lie or show false documents. Do not sign any papers without speaking to a lawyer.

This information is from:

For more information, consult:

Categorized as criminal

By Blake Doré

I'm dedicated to your defense and I'm here to help. I've been a defense attorney for going on 4 years and have more than 80 jury trials under my belt. That's a wealth of experience that I can bring to your case and use to help you achieve the best possible outcome.